Contact me
For private appointments and queries, please contact my PA.
Caroline Gilbert
Tel: 01223 517808
Email: [email protected]
For NHS queries, please contact my NHS secretary at Addenbrooke’s Hospital.
Jane Sargent
Tel: 01223 274526
All postal correspondence should be addressed to:
Graham Keene FRCS
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Nuffield Hospital
4 Trumpington Road
Graham Keene trades as ‘Cambridge Hips and Knees Ltd’ (Registered in England, No: 1247 5579), to whom all accounts are payable.
In case of out of hours emergency, please call:
The Emergency Services: 111 or 999
Spire Cambridge Lea Hospital: 01223 266940
Cambridge Nuffield Hospital: 01223 370920